A New Pathway to Reduce Sepsis Morbidity and Mortality

The Study: Understanding a Key Risk in Sepsis Management

First-Ever National Multi-Site Sepsis Study

Conducted between August and November 2017, the first-of-its-kind national study involving 1,245 physicians and clinicians across 23 healthcare organizations now gives the healthcare industry a powerful new weapon in the war on sepsis; one that can be applied to a range of other challenging clinical problems.

The national multi-site hospitalist sepsis study was designed as a clinical intervention using an advanced training tool that delivers groundbreaking analytics. The goal was to provide data on what doctors and nurses are doing to combat the problem of sepsis. Can they recognize sepsis at an early stage? Do they know the evidence supporting treatment guidelines? Are they clear on how to respond?

This study underscores how much the right knowledge and optimal understanding directly translates to the highest performance when dealing with real-time sepsis conditions. ” Bob Burgin, CEO, Amplifire Healthcare Alliance

The results were illuminating. Complete the form below to download the research findings:


Sepsis Research Findings